A Brief History of the Magic of the Marrlands
The main magic system in the Marrlands books is divine in source and centered around a hierarchy of gods.
There were three main gods in the beginning–known as the Moraki—who were responsible for the creation of the world. These ‘upper-gods’ eventually chose servants to help them shape the world, and those divine servants are known as the middle-gods, or the Marr. Some of the Marr also have smaller servants, known as the Miratar (or lesser-spirits), to help them carry out their various works.
The divinity of the beings below the rank of Moraki is fluid, meaning the Marr and lesser-spirits can rise and fall, and thus the ones serving as the middle-gods (and beneath them) have changed throughout the history of the realms.
Some humans in this world also have magic, usually gifted at birth when their souls are chosen specifically by a Marr or lesser-spirit. They have birthmarks on their skin that designate their power (most often on their hand or wrist). The Moraki once granted gifts in this way as well, but after several failed attempts that created beings too powerful, they no longer bless mortals with magic–though their marks still occasionally show up on humans.
Some of the Velkyn, more commonly known as elves, also wield magic that was once divine, but which became corrupted and ‘earthbound’ after they fell out of favor with the Moraki (and were then ‘replaced’ by the weaker, less-magical human-kind).
Divine magic can also be infused into weapons, single-use crystals, and other objects by various (often questionable) methods.
Learn more about the individual courts, their divine beings, and more by clicking the buttons below.
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